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The building blocks of creating a community people love
Candice Bullmore1/8/2023 00:12 AM1 min read

The building blocks of creating a community people love

What does community mean to you? A bit of fun? Sharing interests with others? Staying connected with like-minded folk?

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Whatever floats your community boat, you’ll know which communities survive and thrive. There’s just something about them that keeps you coming back for more. If you’re just getting started with building your own village of kindred spirits, it’s worth getting these building blocks to stand right for your community to flourish.

  • Establish your why. Why are you the ultimate destination for people to connect? Why would anyone want to join your community? To succeed, a community needs a why. Get your team together and try to answer the question, “Why would you get involved in your community?”
  • Know your who.  Everyone has the potential to bring something different to the community party.  Just like we do at work and in our personal lives. We gravitate towards different interests and wouldn’t miss a chance to babble on for days on end about things we find meaning and value in. Find your tribe, figure out what drives them, and support those who genuinely care about your ‘Why’. How can your community become the hub of choice, where all its members convene? 
  • Get a dialogue going! You may not even realise that you’ve already started to share your ‘Why’ by showing up - in blogs you’ve written, on social media, or in a webinar you’ve run. Curate it all and keep your tribe in the loop. Craft a landing page. Ask questions. Share your research.

Whether you plan to use owned channels for your community to convene, or a bespoke platform or space, the answers to the core questions above will guide you on what works best. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Your community wants you to succeed so they can return for more wisdom and inspiration. 

Our own community of ethical digital marketers is growing at a sweet and steady pace, uniting purpose-driven folks of the digital world. If you’re keen to find value and purpose in your marketing work, join our MeetUp group here. We run events in person and online.

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Candice Bullmore

Candice has a background in sales and learning. And, a passion for helping people develop new skills. She led the launch of Mission Drive as a Hubspot Partner Agency and leads the development of the data skills programmes we design for clients. Candice has overall responsibility for our leadership products, connections with partners, and project delivery.